Thursday, May 27, 2010


How does Febreze work? I know that the ads say that it traps the smell molecules and gets rid of the odors....but how? I mean febreze comes out as a liquid (it has a scent itself) and then by the time it dries, there is no scent. Where does the scent molecules go?
After it dries, it would make sense that the molecules are in the air, but then how come it does not smell like it did BEFORE using the febreze? I must figure this out, my mom brought up the topic; and for once I did not have a good answer or I could not even deduce an explanation that would even partially make sense...

explanation for this random thought about frebreze: I let my dogs play in the creek by the house, and now the ENTIRE house smells like wet dogs...

Time to go the INTERNET!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

are you my mother?

My mother has been driving me insane, thus causing me to question my like-ness to her, and of course the ill-fated question: Am I turning into my mother? (note: upon typing this, my mother walks by my open door and says, "Don't talk about me online"...holy crow, how did she KNOW?) Now, I love my mother don't get me wrong (and I would not be here without her, well maybe~got to love science and invitro-fertilization!) but I am becoming more and more aware of her personality traits (and the reasons why I moved out of the house in the first place).

Based upon simple Mendelian genetics, I should be an easy combination of 23 chromosomes from mom, and 23 from dad (thus making me half of my mother). But I do not want to be even half of my mother, and of course we all know that genetics is just not that simple. Are the random combinations of my genes still making me turn out like Mom? Or is this just a case of nurture vs. nature? If I was raised completely by Dad, would I still end up just like my adult mother? I've recently noticed a few similarities between us: the nagging tones that she uses on Dad are the same that I use on my loved one; our desire to save the world by recycling; our want to feed everyone and everything (even if they are not hungry)....the list continues. However, is my want of NOT wanting to be mother able to deter my genes from allowing me to become her? Or do I have to try even harder? Is there a way that I can mentally change the physiology of my genes (or do I just have to hope that certain genes just do not show phenotypically)?

I know that I am part my mother, at least physically. I have inherited her eyes, nose, hip structure, and the brca-1 gene. But what I am talking about are the personality traits: the clumsiness, the rudeness, the curtness, etc... do we inherit our personalities from our parents? If that is the case, can we control it? Or would this be capable in the future as technology with gene manipulation increases? I hope so. Even though it sounds kind of creepy, would it not be amazing if I could pick my kids personality? For instance, have them be creative, kind, intelligent...or just get rid of the chance of them having O.C.D., stuttering, being rude, or even get rid of the serial killer gene? (think about Jack the Ripper's mom...) I would have chosen my dad's ability to be polite, funny, and ability to do math (I've already inherited his love of the written word, and sci-fi/fantasy). From Mom, her artistic talent, and her desire to eat healthy, along with her willingness to exercise religiously. But, I am leaving a lot of my personality to chance if I only pick a few things from each of my parents, or is this the point or the limitation of the inheritance of your personality?

There is much research out there in this topic, however it just comes down to whatever you believe in the constant argument to nature vs. nurture.

Personally, I just want to inherit the best of Mom and Dad, and leave the worst out of the, "here's lookin' at you, kid"