Wednesday, June 30, 2010

new job!

I'm so excited!! I just accepted a job offer to teach 7th/8th grade science! However, I'm not thrilled about the hour-long commute, but at this point, I'll take it! It is for Tuscaloosa City Schools (yes that is the home of University of Alabama...ROLL TIDE!!). The school is a small school, less than 500 for 6-8 grades, and I'm the only science teacher for the 7th/8th grades. I'm a little nervous about that, but I think that everyone is always a little nervous before they start something new. I'm also nervous about the fact that I was told that I will have some autistic kids in my class (with varying levels of intensity), but I can be patient, and I will just have to be more flexible to work with those students!

I've already been looking up activities and things to do, but I think that my biggest challenge will be 'dumbing' the material down. I love science, and I especially love higher level sciences...however, 7th grade is Life Science and 8th grade is Physical Science.

I've been looking over the AL science standards, and I really want to write them and ask them to re-organize them...the organization is terrible! Wouldn't it make sense if Standard 2 is built upon what is learned in Standard 1? Instead it is all jumbled around and I have to pick through it and re-organize it to create a schedule for the students. The hard part is that EVERYTHING that I have for teaching is for high school. But the good part is middle school can be more fun, so I get to tap into my creative (and arts-n-crafts) side.

The principal is on vacation this week (like everyone else should be~Yay for the 4th of July!), so I don't know when I need to drive down there and sign my contract. I have a ton of questions, but the first thing I'm going to do is find the copy of their text books, and make a schedule. If I am going to be a good teacher, I have to GET organized, and then I have to STAY organized...

So, I went to the public library (one of the best public libraries I have EVER been to) to pick up some books. Btw I can't stop smiling because of all the kids that are running around finding books to read. I never thought that I would hear a mom say, "No, 10 books is more than enough for today" or my favorite was a kid who was in the third grade, pick up a book and the mom goes, "Are you sure you want to read it? It's for the 6th grade" and the kid goes "But mom, it looks good!"

Anyway, while I was picking up another series to read (The Malloreon by David & Leigh Eddings) I decided to check out their books on science activities/experiments for kids, and they have 2 whole book shelves (that are taller than me) filled with science books for kids 3rd grade-8th grade. It makes me feel better, especially being in the south (therefore science is supposed to be bad...whatever, it is more of learning about the world around you than learning bad things). I'm so totally stoked about what I picked out and that I have resources very close bye.

So, please think back to what you liked or did not like in school and let me know (and yes my students WILL get homework, sorry...that's not an option with me). Also, let me know of any activities that are fun, creative, and introduce something new/enriching to students. I'm definitely going to do some plant experiments, I'm going to try and order owl pellets for food webs/food chains (so much fun!), and I have to figure out how best to teach ANATOMY TO 7TH GRADERS (if you can't tell, I'm kinda a little bit more than excited to know that anatomy is included in the 7th grade standards). Also, I might start posting activities on here for review, just a heads up...



  1. Hi! So. You know I am going to write more than another congratulations! This may take 2 comment blocks. Here goes...the one hour commute may not be too bad. You may have some long days if you have PTA or parent teacher conferences. One of the teachers I subbed for stayed at school til 11 pm when she was doing planning for August and report cards. I thought that was kinda crazy! I guess she liked working at school rather than home. Working at a small school can be are able to establish closer relationships with other teachers and you may have more one on one tme with your students. Yes. everyone gets butterflies when they start something new because of all the what if's and uncertainities you put in your mind. Just relax and DIVE IN! You are right, being patient and flexible are good tools you need when working with autistic kids.Sometimes it may seem like they are not paying attention or they are lazy, and that's not always true..

  2. They may need to work alone of some assignments, make sure you help them to finish ask them questions about what they are doing and give them suggestions as to what to do next. I don't know what level of austism your children well have. Every case may be slighty different. Most of the teachers I work with make sure they include them in classroom discussions of course. Sometimes you just have to remind them more than once when its your time to talk. You may want to ask the school if they have a resourse aid who can come in and work with the autisic children at some point in the day if they need extra time on an assignment. Most of time the children are very bright, their brain just doesn't tell them the right signals at the right time to do somethings.
    That is cute the kids like to read!! That made me smile!! :D That's awesome they have a good selection at their library, I miss having access to a good library.
    Ha ha ha! You know they are gonna hate a lot homework. I would give quizzes on some of the homeworks to make sure they are doing it.
    Okay...Anatomy to 7th graders ?? Is that going to be basically Sex ED ? That's important to teach at an early age. I am glad you want to teach that because I had some bad sex ed teachers they didn't wanna let us ask questions. You have to have the question box. At the end of the session you have the kids write ANY question they may want to ask and put in a box and then you draw them out and help answer them. Its so the kids can ask questions anonymously without being shy or embarrassed about asking some questions out. You are really comfortable with the topic so that makes it ALOT easier.
    Maybe I wrote too much! ha ha! Yes...Post some of your activities!

  3. it's not really sex ed per say, its more this is the human body. Like the standard says "Relate major tissues and organs of the skeletal, circulatory, reproductive, muscular, respiratory, nervous, and digestive systems to their functions"

    The students that are autistic range from just social (like they might act out a bit more, but they aren't bad per say) to semi-severe where they are with a resource teacher for math and english, but in inclusion classes for science and social studies. I'm definitely going to try and post some activities for review.

  4. I don't really have an ideas on how to teach the human body. The teachers I had usually just showed videos on that..ha! Sorry! When you put new ideas up I would be happy to look at them :D
    Love Chas
