Thursday, July 22, 2010

DIEts suck

I hate watching what I eat...this sucks.

I'm trying to eat better...G's doctor told him that the has high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and he needs to limit his sugar and carb intake....BTW I've been saying this for a while...granted, it was one of those 'do as I say, not as I do kinda things'

So, I'm trying to eat better...and all I can think about is hamburgers, and cheese fries, and hotdogs, and sushi...yes I woke up thinking about sushi.  It is only 10:30 am here and I want sushi.  I want the raw fish, the cold rice, and the crisp crunchy veggies...

The problem with sushi?  I eat way too much of it...therefore not healthy (or good since I'm trying to watch my portion control)...and it tastes best when dipped in low-sodium soy sauce.  It says low-sodium..but really it is still as bad as licking a salt-lick....

The other problem?  I have become obsessed with cooking.  That is all I want to do.  While I am trying to get things organized for the upcoming school year (new-hire orientation on the 27th!) I put a movie on for background noise...Everyday for the past week I have watched Julie & Julia. (currently playing now is Ratatouille...LOVE Disney) I sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo  need Julia Child's cookbook....because I am dying to cook my way through it.  Granted, not having a job, which means no money, is making not cooking exquisite dinners so much easier...but it still doesn't help the fact that I have not quenched my desire to cook.  Our fridge is full...and I just want to cook more...I have stuffed grape leaves, chili, soup, pasta all in the fridge....everything home-made of course.  

Of course, spending most of my day in front of the computer screen is not all that healthy either.  Heat index~ 105+ degrees....I'm so not going outside...especially not to exercise and pass out from heat exhaustion.  At least I've traded my normal office chair for a yoga ball.  But all that has done is to put me on eye level with my dog, and I get licked roughly 3 times a minute (this has been going on for about an hour now....I feel like I need to shower...again).

I'm discouraged.  I think that might be the understatement of a lifetime.  I know I need to get up and do stuff, I know I need to eat better, but I am stuck.  I have been stuck in a funk for a while...and I think that the decline in my health (and the following increase in my waist-line) is just an expression of the mental funk that I am in.  I am hoping that having a daily routine will help.  Lately I do not have a routine (it is hard to create one when you have nothing to do, and mental deadlines do NOT matter what anyone says), and therefore I have 'all the time in the world' to get stuff done.  For example, yesterday was house-wife day...I did 3 loads of laundry, stripped and made both beds, cleaned the downstairs floor, did a load of dishes, and cleaned the guest bathroom.  It sounds like a lot, but honestly that only took about an hour and half to do all that.   Today, work more on the timeline.  Tomorrow, go inventory my new classroom.  So bored.  

OMG I want some French bread and butter right now....I'm gonna get a banana.  

1 comment:

  1. What's wrong with Bananas ? I like them with..peanut butter! mmm...I think its awesome that you love to cook and you are trying to help George eat healthier. I know it has to be tough. You guys are strong I know you can do it. You should try wraps. I think they are healthy and there are numerous things you can put inside. I wouldn't say being obsessed with cooking is a problem lol . George is probably thrilled you know how to cook! And you are totally right, having a daily routine will definitely help get you outta your funk. I know how hard you work when you have deadlines...that alone will keep you motivated. You can always yell at me and I can yell some great quote a wise person once said after I google it. Hope you have a nice visit to your classroom!
